Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I was saddened to find out that an old pastor of mine has pancreatic cancer. I feel like there are so many people I know with cancer. It is hard to understand why. Miss A is doing great but we find out in February what they are going to do for her. It seems every way I turn more people are sick. Maybe this is hitting me hard because I am taking a class on death and dying but I am having trouble finding the joy all the time when so many around me are sick.

Sort of a side note Bethany and Michelle are meeting with A's school tomorrow to figure out her going back to school. The meeting is at 3:00 ish. If you think about it please be in prayer for them. Bethany is really nervous, and I think A is too. This is just the begining of major changes for her. She is doing great but we are not sure what February holds.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We are praying for all of you! God is faithful and can bring good out of even bad situations - you know that- it doesn't make it easier to deal with at times though.Becky