Monday, June 9, 2008

The Big Church Hop

It has been made official. Begining July 6th Potter's Hands will be my new Church home. I am very excited yet very sad at the same time. I have gotten to know some great Women at Potters hands and I feel really accepted and loved there. It is so differant to be in a church where I am being spiritually fed and can be who I am with out any strings attached. I feel like I can really worship at Potters Hands. I will miss Tigard very much. A lot of people have become like family to and have really supported me through my schooling and life in general. To those at Tigard Thank you for your support and to those at Potters Hand I am very excited to build stronger friendships with you.


Rostamizadeh Family said...

Thank you for sharing these thoughts...I've been challenged with similar feelings in our own search for a church home. I pray that you will feel spiritually fulfilled at Potter's Hands. God moves in mysterious ways.

Missarrie said...

I am so glad to see that you are blogging! I got your site from Alyse's blog; and Michelle's too. I look forward to keeping in touch with you. Love you lots, Aunt Marie