Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Joys of being an Aunt

With School not in session yet I have been able to enjoy some wonderful days with my neices and nephews. A started school. She is getting so big. Her and Little C seem so much older. my sister M has had to work on fridays so My sister B and I have been Watching little mister and Miss. Here are some pictures from Friday.

Here they all are still in Jammies before Miss A gets ready for school Little miss C in the water.
You wouldn't know that she was the youngest. This girl has no fear. She was right in there enjoying the water. We are eating cookies and little man did not want his picture taken I snapped mid head turn great expression I think.

A and C in the water playing they are such great cousins.


meg said...

You are an amazing aunt and wonderful friend and sister! Thanks for all your love.
From your favorite sibling :)

Missarrie said...

Oh how I remember the times I got to share with my wonderful nieces. It is a joy to be an Aunt. It appears in all the pictures I have seen; Little Miss not only looks like her Mommy but acts and plays like her too.

Jessica said... are the best auntie! Those kiddos are so lucky to have you!