Friday, March 26, 2010

Feb/March update (Africa update included)

So Like I said in early post I am really bad at updating. As for February I can't really think of anything that happened. It was a pretty slow month :). Since I can't think of much to say about February I will move onto March.

March brought lost of fun and adventure I guess. With my brother in law Brian being in tax season and them trying to sell their house I have been able to spend lots of time with my sister Michelle and her kiddos. Man do I love them. We have done many starbucks trips, stops at the mall and other little adventures.

I have had the chance to spend some time with great friends this month. I feel like life is in fast forward so it has been great to take a break and enjoy dinners, coffees and movies with friends.

I have finished my second term at PSU and was officially accepted into the Child and Family Studies program I am very excited but also nervous. My class load is much bigger and trying to work with a 17 credit tem is quite difficult but I will get through. I am so excited to see the end finally I have about 2 years still but they are flying by. With finishing my last term I have learned that I need to relax and not stress out so much. This is super hard for me. I was very stressed because I felt I was falling really behind in classes. Well I walked away with 3 a's so I can't complain. I need to remember that I need balence between school and life.

Africa planning is going well. I have 1700 of 3000 needed to go on this trip. So I still need to raise 1300. I really feel like this is supposed to happen so I am not stressing about the money yet :) We are in the process of writing our testimonies. (Thanks hil for your help) and planing VBS. I had the oppertunity to give a presentation to the people I nanny and will also give a presentation to her bible study at church as well as the one I am attending. My aunt has very graciously done a fund raiser for me, you can get information about it on facebook by joining the group knitting a way to africa. She is knitting dishclothes to raise money for my trip. If you are not on facebook and would like more information please let me know. The cost is 2.50 per dishcloth.

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